
Showing posts from October, 2019

Personal Logo Research

P E R S O N A L   L O G O For the first one I was experimenting with different fonts and how they interact with each other. I tried to move things around and rotate them for variety.  This art board was about images relating to ourselves. I used adjectives and found images to represent my interests and self before further experimenting. The third one was starting to combine the previous two into create logos with shapes and my initials.

Self Portrait

S E L F  P O R T R A I T  For this project I created a self portrait of myself. It was challenging at times because while I was used to the layering system that digital art programs have, it was frustrating to have to draw in shapes rather than strokes. I started with the hair which I think is one of the better parts. I included lots of colors because if I paid for my highlights I'm definitely going to show them in the portrait. I was having trouble with the shading and so I just decided to go for a more old school comic book style shading (hence the large black parts and lines like from Marvel or JJBA).

Logo Design Research

L O G O  D E S I G N  R E S E A R C H In this task we were instructed to research familiar logos from each of the areas: sports teams, music, clothing, food, and technology. I noticed that first with the sports teams, they were sure to highlight their 'mascot' or 'icon' of the team. Or they use lettering that catches the eye, for example Green Bay Packers and their G inside a logo. Or the N and Y representing both NY and the Y for Yankees. For bands there are some symbols that are recognizable with out the text to accompany them. Many of the color schemes are black, white, and red, but that's not necessarily a rule of thumb. In general compared to the other logos they are a lot darker than the bright counterparts. Like with the food, none of them use black, but instead contrasting or bright colors to grab the attention of the audience. Technology logos seem to be the simplest of them all, with minimal shading and a clean crisp design, like with Spotify's ...

Using the Pen Tool

P E N    T O O L   P R A C T I C E Using the pen tool was both a hard and easy experience. Previously in digital art you can simply draw a line and the line will appear. However when working with vectors it is more mathematical and precise. The first attempt was tracing the design on the left. Following a video you can duplicate shapes, rotate and adjust the lines after they are made. The lines were also super clean in comparison to my shakey and sketchy hand.  After that I moved on to drawing Dragonite (work in progress). This was my second attempt because the first attempt was unsuccessful. I was cued into my drawing habits of like I was inking or drawing line art. I wasn't paying attention to how the shapes fit together or how they fill. You can't use a paint bucket, but you can utilize layering and arrangement to create the colored shapes that you want. This picture above has 4 layers including the photo layer and it took some learning to figure ou...