
Showing posts from November, 2019

Text Relationships

T E X T   R E L A T I O N S H I P S This project was about exploring different text relationships: concordant, conflicting, and contrasting. Concordant are fonts that are the same type face but can vary with boldness, size, spacing, or italics. Conflicting on the other hand are two fonts that are from the same font family , but their slight differences make it look unpleasing or like a mistake (AVOID!!!). Contrasting are two fonts from two font families that are put together to show emphasis and contrast.  Final Quotation

Culture Jams

C U L T U R E    J A M S This one played with irony of social media and corruption of privacy. We created an view of an instagram timeline that showcases @ironic_erica, a created user, that is complaining about facebook's data leaks. However, she continues to share her picture of breakfast and post information about where she was. Privacy is a huge issue that we should all take responsibility for. While having a social media account isn't inherently bad, being unaware of your rights are bad though. We (my unit on constitution team) used to argue that the only way that you could truly be private was to shut yourself inside your house with the lights off and the windows down. With the 4th amendment and privacy, in conjunction with the 5th (searches and seizures), if you consent to a search (such as inviting state officials into your home), you surrender your right to privacy. People when downloading social media don't often read the privacy policy but in there they sta...

Personal Logo!

 P E R S O N A L   L O G O Using all the previous research and experiments with font type, placement, colors, gradients, I settled with this simpler logo. I kind of made it by accident by messing around with the pen tool, and kind of sat in the back of my mind as a favorite (I think also because I accidentally got that perfect symmetrical shape in one go). It was fun to play around and discover the different toolsets you could use!